Membership Application Form

Submit your application using the form below. Our team will review within 2 days and if accepted, Gazette Gal Club will email you with an official invitation. The membership is $8 per month or $85 for the entire year. But you'll get a 7-day free trial period so you can try it out first before fully committing. During that time, you can explore our community, interact with the other members, and see if it's a good fit for you.

First name (required)
Last name (required)
Linkedin profile URL (required)
Email  (required)
Current company or workspace (required)
Current title or position (required)
Level of professional work experience (required)
Closest major city to you (required)
How did you hear about The Gazette Gal Club or full name of who referred you? (required)
Why do you want to join The Gazette Gal Club and what do you hope to get from the community? (required)
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