
Self-care doesn't just mean putting on a face mask and binge-watching Netflix, although it could mean that if you choose. Caring for yourself means caring for your body, your mind, and how you feel overall. Self-care can mean something as small as no make up days or large as checking into a hotel, solo. And taking care of yourself shouldn't just be on the weekend, but everyday—make it a lifestyle. February is the month of love, which means now is the time to start practicing some of the ideas below.

1. Read a book

Set a goal for yourself such as 'read 1 book per month' to hold yourself accountable. I've written this goal in my planner so that I know I need to schedule this time for myself. Choose a self-care book or a novel that'll take you into a different world. When you're reading, you know that you have to be present to follow along. 

2. Go for a hike

Getting out in nature is always relaxing. There are a ton of hikes that are gorgeous and will make you work up a sweat. Find a national park or revisit a location that you've visited previously. The perfect itinerary: find a breakfast spot nearby and grab a bite before heading to your hike location. After your hike, reward yourself with lunch and a dessert! 

3. Give yourself a facial

Finding a facial spa and booking an appointment within your busy schedule can be slightly overwhelming. Instead you can give yourself a spa-worthy facial at home—not to mention inexpensive. If you really want to get fancy, add the LED light face mask to your routine.

4. Watch your favorite 'feel good' movie for the 10th time

There is something seriously relaxing about watching Netflix series like Emily in Paris, movies like Harry Potter or The Intern over and over. I mean, who wouldn't want to snuggle in bed, candle lit, bag of popcorn in hand and live your best life? Pro tip: put your phone away. The goal is to truly immerse in the show/movie and bring back the feeling of joy.

5. Delete all of the unwanted emails in your inbox

Sometimes you open emails, thinking "I'll come back to those". It's been 2 years later and you never went back. There is a feeling of freedom and organization when you delete some of those emails and only keep the ones you need.

6. Bake a delicious dessert

I come across mouth-watering recipes online and say 'okay I need to make this now' but of course it's rare that I have time on the weekdays. Instead, save your dessert recipes on Instagram and spend some time making the dessert and enjoying the process. You'll love the end product a lot more when you put love in to making it.

7. Write down your goals

This is one of my favorite Sunday self-care things to do. When you write down your goals, they stay on your mind for the week ahead. You can do this while looking out the window at home, go to a cafe, sit under a tree, whichever place makes you feel inspired. Think about where you are in all aspects of life and then plan where you want to go. Make sure to have a snack so you can think better!

8. Unfollow social media accounts that don't serve you or make you feel good

Social media can be draining. Some of us spend minutes, which turn into hours at the end of the week scrolling. Thanks to the algorithm, you're only shown content of some of the people you follow. Go through your list and unfollow any accounts that are meaningless.

9. Do a legs-up-the-wall stretch

All forms of stretching are fantastic but stretching your legs up to the wall doesn't get enough credit. This stretch is often used in Yoga and provides health benefits like improving sleep patterns, improving circulation, increasing energy, and so much more.

10. Tidy your living space while listening to a playlist

It's a sense of fresh air when you organize your room and even switch a few things up. Change the location of your bed or your sofa and it'll feel like a new space. Listen to a house playlist on Spotify and jam out while you clean out.


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