
It's June, which means girl's trip season is officially upon us — the time for margaritas, bikinis, and aesthetic yet durable luggage for the plane ride. However, many a meme has been made about trips that cause friends to not make it out of the groupchat, or spur tensions on what should be a relaxing vacation. Make sure your girl's trip goes this summer smoothly with our guide below.

Decide on a Destination That Fits Everyone’s Needs

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You may want a luxurious weekend getaway to Santa Barbara, while someone else might prefer a quick stay at an adorable Palm Springs inn. Make sure to pick a location and residence that everyone can afford to pay their (equal) share of, as long as everyone’s accommodation is the same. Aside from budgetary concerns, try to be mindful of what everyone in the group likes — your creative friend might prefer craft shops and art galleries, while your glamorous friend might look for discount spa packages and long walks by the beach. Try to discuss and work out a united goal in mind for what your vacation is going to look like, then decide on a holiday spot where everyone can truly relax and recharge. 

The Red-Eye Sounds Perfect — Until You’re Actually at the Airport

A late night — very late night  — flight might be what’s best for everyone’s wallet. However, make sure to determine if that’s the right thing for your particular friend group, if the budget allows. Would haggling airplane logistics and lugging around suitcases be the easiest thing for everyone, especially at the late hour? If some of your friends are predisposed to the sleep-deprivation scaries, it might be best to rethink that flight time. However, if you know you are all capable of working through the exhaustion for the sake of a dazzling getaway, make sure you make things as easy as possible for yourselves — utilize the pre-check options and the flight itineraries. Consider packing all checked items into one bag to avoid extra fees, and pack snacks to avoid any inflated airport prices, all in the name of a smooth journey to your destination.

Hotel vs. AirBNB — the Pros and Cons

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AirBNBs have been getting their fair (and sometimes earned) share of flack lately, for everything from cleaning fees to tricky property managers. However, they still might be the best option for large groups looking for multiple beds without breaking the bank. If you don’t mind whipping up your own fabulous holiday meals or doing your own laundry after a long day at the beach, we’d say go for it. However, hotels do offer that immaculate vacation-vibe touch, with plush robes, cleaning, and room service. The amenities are many, but you might get less space and privacy — and no matter how much you love your girlfriends, you might need some quality time of your own after a day or two of back-to-back cocktail hours. The key to making sure no petty fights ruin the trip? Decompressing. Make sure to pick an option that allows you to. 

Decide on the Easiest Method of Pay

Struggling to divide group charges can be the catalyst for a friendship feud. Using apps like Splitwise and Expensify can help keep track of shared expenses, to make sure everyone’s portions are fair. Decide early on payment methods — is one person going to put their card down, and the rest sending them funds? Are you going to split bills equally, or according to who ordered what at the hotel bar? Having a plan of attack for perhaps the most sensitive part of any girl's trip is an absolute must. Figure out who has Zelle or Venmo to make it easier. 

Plan Your Outfits Together Ahead of Time

As superficial or Type-A as it may sound, the easiest way to dress like you’re all heading to the same event is to, well, plan to dress like it. This can be done through collaborative Pinterest boarding, group shopping/thrifting sessions, or, if you’re especially pedantic, Google spreadsheets. Nothing screams girl squad like matching sweat sets on the plane or color-coordinated sundresses for dinner. Even if you’re not a fan of the excessively matchy-matchy, nothing makes snapping an Instagram photo easier than making sure everyone knows they’re on the same fashion page, and nothing increases camaraderie knowing it’s not just your personalities that compliment each other, but your outfits. 

Reservations Are the Name of the Game

Nothing removes the stress of having to come up with on-the-fly meal plans than reservations. For post-flight dinners, beachside brunches, or formal dinners, deciding on them as a group is the key to an organized vacation, not to mention an excellent method to build your schedule of activities around. Be sure to keep track of cancellation grace periods if you want to hold on to multiple dining options, which is always a great idea for maximum group satisfaction. Make sure to have a few choices everybody likes — or, if dining preferences are especially diverse in your friend group, spread out everyone’s favorites throughout the trip.

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Splitting Your Time Is A-OK

Group trips are hard, but planning a slate of activities everyone concurrently enjoys is harder. It’s totally okay to have your friends divide and conquer whatever pastimes they enjoy, as long as you come together for a fabulous meal to recap it all. Half your friend-group wants to tackle a volcanic hike while the other wants to lounge by pool? No problem! Just get together for drinks (or dinner reservations!) afterwards. Smaller activities can help recharge your social battery and maximize your one-on-one time with each of your friends, as well as allowing you to soak in more of your time with each person. 

But Don’t Be Afraid to Go Off the Book

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Reservations fell through? No problem; bar seating or a late-night McDonalds will do. Hungover? Emergency Starbucks run instead of that continental breakfast. Organization is the cornerstone of any vacation, but don’t stress things don’t go according to plan all the time, or if you change your mind about a tenaciously arranged and agreed upon activity. Remember to keep the atmosphere light and always be considerate of how your friends are feeling. The best kind of trips enrich friendships, not stress them. You’re on vacation, and it’s encouraged to be spontaneous and have fun! 

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